Instructor: Cindy Wilbur
You need to make your own pattern and bring it to class. If you need help, contact Cindy Wilbur at (785) 218-5163 or at
Sharpie (not black)
Scissors: Large and small (there is a lot of cutting)
Rotary cutter
Clear or masking tape
Tweezers (optional)
Glue stick
Steam-a-seam 2 or equivalent (enough to cover pattern)
Stabilizer or webbing (I like fusible). Enough to cover pattern.
Light Board (if you have one)
Scraps of 10-12 fabrics ranging from light to dark values
Additional information:
Making your quilt pattern and choosing your fabrics:
1. Choose a photo and crop it to emphasize what is important in your subject.
2. Covert the photo to black & white.
3. Posterize the photo to limit the number of gray scales in the photo. I suggest limiting the photo to 5-7 shades of gray. this can be done from your phone using the site: or using photo editing software such as adobe photoshop. (If you need help with this step, please contact instructor)
4. Print you pattern. If you want a quilt larger than a standard sheet of paper, you can use the program, PAINT, to print you pattern on multiple sheets of paper. (If you need help with this step, please contact instructor)
5. Choose a fabric for each value of gray. Your fabrics can be any colors you like, avoid fabrics with large patterns. Order you fabrics from lightest to darkest values. Make sure there is contrast between the fabrics you choose. Bring extra fabric just in case.